
The List

Mexico Packing List- i know a little a.d.d.

Carry on Bag
Ipod and earphones
Wallet- checks, credit cards, cash, drivers license, everything else take out
Cell Phone
Photo copy of passport
Plastic bags
Epi Pen

Wear On Plane
Tennis Shoes
Black sweat shorts


Contacts and extra
Extra Sungalsses
Reef Sandals
Cheap Sandals
Ipod Charger
Camera Charger and cord
Cell Charger
Let Credit Union know you are leaving to mexico and credit card company
Hair Stuff-pony, bobby pins
Curling Iron and Straightener
Face Wash
Waterproof camera
Toothbrush, toothpaste
Shaver and Cream

Things to do:
Update Passport Info on tickets
50 tip money!
200 spending money small bills
Bowling sub
Let mirm know cheerleading.

Corona Suit
VS suit
New Suit
New Board Shorts
Black Sweat Shorts
2 New Target Shorts
Grey Shorts
Green Shorts
Green Long Shorts
Black Dress
Green and Brown Dress
Blue Skirt
White Lace Shirt
Red Tube top (2)
Black Tube Top
Swimsuit Wrap Yellow
Sock (2)
Sha Sha Tank
Black Lace Top
Black Vest and Lace Tank
Black Strapless
2 bras
Black Zip up sweat
White Zip up sweat


Still Counting Down

Flying out Dec 17th coming back Dec 24. Can wait!!!
Only 16 more days. I feel like it will never come!



I am: kind of a big deal…people know me
i know: that I have the cutest dog in the world
i want: dec 17th to be here so I can head to Mexico
i have: a secret talent
i miss: high school
i feel: lonely
i hear: stained on my ipod
i smell: green tea
i crave: reb lobster
i cry: when I think of the mistakes I have made
i search: for a good man who treats me right…not very easy ladies
i wonder: how I can improve my life
i regret: nothing
i love: butters
i worry: about not suceeding
i remember: fishing opener 2005.
i dance: and everyone gets jealous of my sweet moves
i don't: want to ever judge
i argue: all the time…. I need to stop that!
i write: crappy
i win: all the time in my own world that is
i lose: self esteem
i wish: I could find an awesome partner
i listen: to my ipod everyday.
i can usually be found: talking about my dog
i am scared: of SPIDERS
i need: to get an apartment
i forget: to shave my legs before going to the doctor. Embarrassing!!!!


Packing List!

Alright call me a nerd, call me crazy… but I’m going to Mexico in 55 days! Yes I know a long way out there right. But I always think how quick everything flys by especially with Christmas coming up and thanksgiving… Ok I admit it I already started a packing list. With money flying out the door I always need to organize and prioritize items that I will need for my trip so I can save for them…hense a suitcase. I don’t have one… always borrowed but now I want to buy one!

Anyways how do you do your packing list? Or do you even do one? Mine is crafty, organized, and freaking long. First I type everything down in a list just off the top of my head. Then a few days later I go back in to it and add to it of course. I also then split them into categories… yes people I know I don’t have a life but let me tell you if you were lost in the wood you would want me by your side I never forget anything and I don’t overpack. On vacations I always just bring a carry on. I manage to stuff everything under the sun in a large purse and a carry on. I hate luggage checks and once they lost our luggage to Jamaica, luckily they found it but that was just luck! After I separate them into clothes, bathroom, etc etc categories I make another list for ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT ITEMS… like passports, wallet, checkbook, etc. If I don’t have it written down I will forget guaranteed. I always check this as the days pass like remembering things such as a carmea charger, ipod for the plane, gum for the plane cause my ears hurt so bad, gameboy for the plane, ok I have ADD on a plane I hate flying and can’t sit still. I also always remember things like travel detergent, incase I spill, perfume, toilet paper (hey you never know when you gotta go) shampoo, block, asprin, tan lotion…. Ok you get the picture. I also always double check my purse for things you can’t have on a plane, mascara, etc otherwise it is bye bye 8 dollar mascara. I hate to throw out a new tube of lipstick, mascara, and eye solution cause it was in my purse and I didn’t check them. We were running late so it was so long $20+ of fabulous makeup. I was pissed. You will have to look at my fabulous list when it is complete. I swear you all will never look at me the same. It is ridiculous, but I never forget a thing and I am proud of that!


Riddle me this....

How come everytime i have to take a drivers license picture or a passport picture it turns out awful. I'm not extrememly photogenic, but i mean there are an occasional few nice pics that come out of the mix, but of course it is never one that everyone on the planet will see. From cute single bartenders to cute single cops to cute single... well you get the picture.

So today i went and refiled for a new passport. I went to Jamaica about 2 years ago and somewhere between customs in North Carolina and Minneapolis coming home i lost it. I have looked literaly for 2 years for it, in every nook and cranny but no sign of the poor lost passport. I only used it twice. Once to Mexico in 2006 and once to Jamaica in 2007. So anyways, i have no idea where it went and never got a new one cause i never thought of going on vacation again. Well January 8-15 the Kofstads and I are heading to fabulous Playa Del Carmen mexico to stay in a 5 star luxuary all inclusive resort called the Rui Palace. It is the best Rui you can stay at. They have 5 resorts next to each other and since we are staying at the best we can go to all of them and eat at all the places and go dancing at all the clubs. Yes i am very excited. Mike and Kay and one of my very bestest friends.

Anyways so i fill out the 100 pages of information for my lost and new passport. I get all beautified cause i knew i was going to get my picture taken at the post office. I sit in the chair, adjust my hair like so, apply a little lipstick and then bam it is over. I am not smiling i look like i am going to kill someone, my cheeks are bright bright red. And the camera automatically prints it out so i can't retake. I was so sad. Why God can't i just have a nice picture. Can't i like cut out a picture of me at prom or something and use that as the picture. Or even better a picture of me and butters. Butters will rope in the single guys! He is so cute how can he not. Maybe i will just purposly loose this passport so i can retake. ok maybe not! Thanks for listening... or reading... or whatever!


Thanksgiving Divorce

I just had to share this.

A man in Phoenix calls his son in New York two days before Thanksgiving and says,'I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough. 'Pop, what are you talking about?' the son screams. We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,' the father says. 'We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her.' Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. 'Like heck they're getting divorced,' she shouts, 'I'll take care of this,' She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at her father, 'You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?'and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. 'Okay,' he says, 'they're coming for Thanksgiving and paying their own way.'


How come there are someday when time just flies and other where you feel someone is tearing your toemail off with a tweezer? It is finally my lunch hour… today is going so slow at work and I am so extremely busy. Usually when I am busy (which is all the time) I look up and boom it is lunch. Not today.

My dad yesterday just pointed out something that I do quite often and now I notice I do it all the time. I talk to the TV. Let me explain…I watch as the world turns on CBS. I just started a year ago because my lunch hour is from 1-2 and that is when it is on. I am addicted… addicted people. I can’t wait to get home and flip that baby on and watch the drama unfold. My dad ever so politely pointed out one day that I was screaming at the TV because Katie was about to get caught snooping in Spencers stuff. Ok understandable. Then he pointed out that I literally talk to the TV. Like conversation… “Why are you going in the Katie, I know that she is going to come it”, “You are so stupid Jack, you need to kick that B**** out the room”. It doesn’t matter what I watch I start talking to it out loud. I think I think I am talking in my head but I don’t. I do it at every show I watch and even movies. Now that someone has finally pointed it out to me I notice it 24-7. It is so weird. One time my friend pointed out to me that I used fabulous in almost every sentence. Then I realized magically that I do. I wonder how many other habits I have and people haven’t told me. If you see one tell me. It is so weird.


101 Things to finish in 1001 days

The ones highlighted in red are complete!

  • 1. get back in touch with old friends from college/high school
  • 2. Get a new car
  • 3. Party hardy at Jenn’s Wedding
  • 4. Throw Jenn the best bachelorette party ever
  • 5. learn to sew
  • 6. Make my own Halloween costumes
  • 7. Start going to the gym
  • 8. Master Legend of Zelda for Wii
  • 9. Master Super Mario Galaxy for Wii
  • 10. Master Guitar Hero….. can you tell I don’t have a life yet?
  • 11. Get into Grad School
  • 12. Hike Split Rock
  • 13. Visit the Glensheen
  • 14. Find the best bloody mary bar!
  • 15. Have Game night
  • 16. Eat a fiber bar a day for a week
  • 17. Finish Lavonne’s Jamaica Scrap Book
  • 18. Start my own scrapbook
  • 19. Use my stamping up stuff
  • 20. Save enough money to go to Mexico
  • 21. Pay off my line of credit
  • 22. Read “Hello Vodka, its me Chelsey”
  • 23. Keep up with my blog
  • 24. Sort through my hope chest
  • 25. Clean out Jodan's bedroom
  • 26. make my bed every day for a month
  • 27. Finish the employee site at work
  • 28. Learn Spanish
  • 29. Make Christmas Cookies from Scratch
  • 30. Email Tanner in Iraq at least once a week until he comes home for a month
  • 31. Save $1000
  • 32. Learn to cook Chinese food
  • 33. Teach the dance line video to my cheerleaders
  • 34. Get funding through the MClub
  • 35. Pay off victoria secret cc
  • 36. Make a care package for my friends in Iraq
  • 37. Make homemade Christmas cards for friends
  • 38. Take a Christmas card picture of me and Butters
  • 39. Send out Christmas cards
  • 40. Make someone else a Halloween costume
  • 41. Buy a bike
  • 42. Actually use the bike I buy
  • 43. Buy and IPod Touch
  • 44. Get a Massage
  • 45. Finally get my hair dyed
  • 46. have a girls weekend with triple threat, plus tina!
  • 47. Update my Myspace
  • 48. Wash my face for a week straight
  • 49. Use my sensaria stuff for a week
  • 50. Get Kay the best xmas gift ever!
  • 51. Find my Passport
  • 52. If my passport is lost, file for a new one
  • 53. Go to the bar and only spend 10 bucks
  • 54. Help Haley find something to go to college for
  • 55. Floss my teeth every day
  • 56. Go to the dentist and actually have no cavities
  • 57. Pay off Butters Vet bill
  • 58. Take butters for a walk every day for a week
  • 59. Go see my grandparents
  • 60. Wash my car for a week every time it gets dirty.
  • 61. Tell butters I love him every day
  • 62. Do not spend more then 200 bucks a pay period
  • 63. Buy snowmobile gear
  • 64. Finish working at Lavonne’s
  • 65. Go see Ezra with my dad
  • 66. pay off Maurices
  • 67. Make a donation
  • 68. Read the secret
  • 69. Visit Grand Marais
  • 70. Get a pedicure
  • 71. Grow my nails out and get a manicure
  • 72. Visit Don
  • 73. Visit Steph Dilley in the cities for a fun night out
  • 74. Visit Jolene in the cities for a fun night out
  • 75. Finish Traditional Web site at work
  • 76. Pay off my dad’s TV
  • 77. Collect money from Jordan
  • 78. Get an English Bulldog and name him porkchop or Frank
  • 79. Get chinchillas
  • 80. Pay off Discover
  • 81. Buy Christmas presents early
  • 82. Set up my scrapbooking room downstairs
  • 83. Eat sushi!
  • 84. Park far away from other vehicles so my car doesn’t get dinged for a month
  • 85. Cook my dad a homemade meal
  • 86. Plow the drive way once
  • 87. Shovel the Driveway
  • 88. Watch the strangers alone
  • 89. Take my brother out to dinner and a movie
  • 90. Go on a roadtrip
  • 91. go out of my way to be kind to random people for 1 week
  • 92. Shave my legs everyday for 2 weeks
  • 93. don’t sleep in for one 2 weeks
  • 94. Have girls night with Lavonne, Lisa, and Lauri
  • 95. Read Cindy Brady’s new book
  • 96. Keep my blog up for a month straight
  • 97. Start doing Yoga
  • 98. try a food i have never tried before
  • 99. Go to the wine dinner with Jenn
  • 100. Start belly Dancing up again
  • 101. make a new list when this one is done


It happened again....and a random thought

Alright that is it…. I am convinced that spiders are plotting together to get me. seriously listen to this incident today at work. No one ever sees spiders in their offices… oh yea except me. So I was tying away on my adding machine like a crazy woman and the poof here come this black deadly spider trickling down its web from my filing cabinet which hangs above my adding machine. Yes I freaked and you would to. So I murdered it quickly with my note pad (which I will no long use cause of the bloody mess on the back of it). Then no lie I went over to water my plant that sits on the ground in my office. As I am singing and watering away I notice movement from the bottom on the pot.. Yes people there is was ANOTHER deadly evil disgusting black spider. This time I screamed I couldn’t help it. I stomped like I was in river dance and thankfully got it. Why are things I hate attracted to me. I also hate cats. I’m sorry cat lovers I do not like them one bit. I have only met one cat that I liked and that was because he acted like a dog. I am extremely allergic and just don’t like the claws and creepy stretching and snooty ness… So in other words if there is a cat within 10 miles they will want to come see me or sit on my lap or rub on my leg. Ew!

Fall is here and I don’t like it. I only like summer. I truly believe I belong on an island out in the Caribbean…preferably alone.. Wait no I need my dog then I will be happy as long as I have my man Butters, a cell phone so I can text, and my coach purses so I can stare at them and how beautiful they are. oh wait I also want my new car cause I love that as well.


High School

This last weekend I went to my best friends wedding. Don and I have been best friends since 7th grade. We still remember our 3 minute secret hand shake we have had since then. It was a tough wedding realizing he is off to start his life. We were homecoming prince and princess in 10th grade and homecoming king and queen our senior year. We went to sno-frolic together and prom. Always had the best of times and still kept in touch as we moved out into the big bad adult world. While at the wedding I kept thinking of great high school memories that I will cherish forever. So, I thought I should share some with you…

Jenn and I have a lot of good ones together… like the time we were cruising around in my car and were laughing so hard I almost smashed into the side of Mobil. Or the time it was slippery out and I smashed into Kyle’s car. How about the time when I got suspended with my friend Carl for saying Blow Job in front of 8th graders, or the time we thought we were bad and smoked parsley, or the time I thought I was a bad ass and stole a cup from Holiday and the felt so guilty I returned it the next day, I swear I got kicked out in the hall like every day from Dettmann’s class for being a smart ass. Oh how I miss the drama and crushes and no worries about bills or work, I remember I use to be able to party till 1 in the morning and get up at 6 for work. Wow I feel quite old now. There is no way I could do that anymore. I remember smoke cruises everyday at lunch and stopping at Holiday and getting a chicken and swiss every single day. I remember getting my heart broken for the first time and how nice my shop teacher was and let me go home for the day. I remember laughing so hard that Mrs. Yoki threatened to kick Earl, Bob and I out of accounting. It was because of her I went to school for what I did. One time we had a hypnotist come to the school and I was chosen. I faked the whole thing in front of the whole school. It was hilarious. I think to this day some people still believe it was real. Or the time Tanner borrowed wait stole.... my linkin park cd. I never saw it again. Don and I would bring out fold out lawn chairs and store then in a locker so every morning while kids sat on the ground waiting for school to start we had nice comfy chairs. I remember sleeping through both of my after proms. I remember making ‘make out’ trips to the slab with my boyfriend. I remember coming home bawling because I had no boobs and someone called me anorexic. I remember our sweet sleep overs at Stephs house and raiding her parents booze and filling them back up with water. I think her parents still don’t know. I remember when I got caught by my dad drinking for the first time. He didn’t ground me, he took my contacts away from me and made me wear my nasty bi focal thick glasses. It was the worst punishment ever.

Enough I remembers for ya? What do you remember best about high school?



Monday, October 13, 2008

8 favorites
I took this off Jenn's site, it look fun
8 favorite tv shows:
1. My true Love---- SOUTH PARK
2. CSI-Miami
3. CSI- Las Vegas
4. As the world turns
5. Rock of Love - I am considering trying out for season 3. I think I could win Bret's heart.
6. Girls Next Door
7. The Colbert Report- He will be my future husband.
8. The Office- Steve Carrell can be my other husband. I guess I'm turining Mormon.

8 favorite restaurants:
1. Scenic Cafe- I love the sushi tuna tacos
2. Famous Daves
3. Sangi- Sushi
4. Mc Donalds (Does that count)
5. Lemon Wolf
6. Cove Point Crossings
8. Blackwoods

8 things i did yesterday:
1. Worked
2. Whine how I didn't want to get up
3. ooo'd and coo'd over my dog Butters
4. Realized I had the cutest dog ever.
5. Had Taco Tuesday with my daddy
6. Drove round and round in my new car
7. Played with my cool car key
8. Wrote a blog post

8 things i love about fall:
1. Candy Corn
2. Apple Crisp
3. Halloween
4. Pumpkin Pie
5. Hot Apple Cider
6. Cheerleading
7. Buying Halloween candy
8. Fall Colors

8 things i look forward to:
1. Jenn's WEDDING
2. Driving in cirlces in my car
3. Seeing Butters
4. Seeing Butters
5. Seeing Butters
6. Seeing Butters
7. Seeing Butters
8. Having a Bud Light Lime

8 things on my wish list:
1. A Chinchilla
2. A Bunny
3. A Bulldog
4. A Illama
5. Trip to Mexico
6. A Margartia Machine like Kays
7. To be picked for Rock of Love
8. To get my own reality show

Cars, Spiders, Under Pressure, Oh My....

Well um wow. I just rushed home from work on my lunch and whipped this bad boy up. So… work is good, friends are good, Butters is good, all is good. What is new with me?!? Well have you ever felt like you have 800 million things to accomplish in 20 seconds. Yep that is how I feel. You know that song Under Pressure I think it is by Queen, yea that is playing non stop in my head. Work, cheerleading, tutoring center, bowling league, friends, life, family, stamp club, dog, kids…. Oh wait thank god NO on that one. But for some weird reason I manage to get everything done that I need. It is a good feeling I give it that. This last week I bought my new car. Here is a pic but it is black. She is so beautiful I love her so. I want to drive around and around in circles singing life is a highway. Maybe I will do that after work.

Tonight I am not up to much. I was attacked this morning by a huge spider. I swear it was hissing and chomping at me. It even had that super big butt so I am sure there were millions of babies hiding in there waiting for their chance to attack me. I swear I almost had a stroke. But fortunately I had Butters in my arms so I used him as a shield. I know I probably shouldn’t have kids. I’ll use them as shield for spiders and such. Ick I hate them so much I would rather go swimming in a lake of snakes then have to look at one spider. They are evil little monsters all plotting to get me when I am sleeping or least expect it. I am so afraid of them I am even considering living in a bubble like that movie bubble boy. Trust me if you knew me...I’m serious.


I'm bbbbaaaack

I got my computer back it was out of commission. I fried my battery after years of use at school. FYI New post coming soon....



Well I just got back from We fest. For you who do not know of We Fest, it is a three day concert with all the big names in country music. 55,000 people were in attendance this year. I guess it was a new record. Everyone camps out in a giant field and pretty much gets drunk and act stupid. I fortunately got to camp with some not so stupid drunk people who think the only purpose in life is to get wasted and try to see boobs. So I had a good time. I left last Wednesday and then returned Sunday afternoon. Now lets get one thing straight I am not a fan of country. I am a rock girl through and through. I dislike country so much that when Jenn and I use to cruse around town in high school and college she automatically knew to turn off the country music and turn on some rock. So not being a country music fan I decided that I would try it and perhaps will come home like country. It didn’t happen. I watched… Taylor Swift, Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flatts, Little Big Town, Brad Paisley. Nope none of them turned me. I enjoyed my self at the concerts but not for the music, more for the conversation and people watching. One of the highlights at the fest was who I was camping with. I camped with Jim and Ashley ( who are getting married this weekend and I’m in their wedding) and their family. We had about 30 people in our camp. They all had RV’s and parked them in a giant circle so no campers could penetrate our camp. Then we all stretched out in the little field we made with our circle. We had screen tents, cooking area, tables, chairs, canopies, yard games of every proportion. It was fabulous, but the best thing of all every camper or mini group took a meal. Either breakfast or dinner. We all took turns making only one meal. Ours was the first night we made lasagna for everyone and then the rest of the long weekend we got to enjoy everyone else’s. This was no crappy cheap camping food. This was the real deal… breakfast burritos, fajitas, jambalaya, egg bakes, roast beef sandwiches, chicken stir-fry. We even made a couple of amazing Waps (I don’t know how to spell it, tons of fruit soaking in booze). It was awesome never having to worry about a meal. Best idea ever. By sat I was ready to go home. It was sunny and 85 the whole weekend. I can’t complain it was nice and never any bugs and I didn’t get a sun burn thanks to my handy cowboy hat. I had an awesome time but wouldn’t go back. Next summer I am going to rock fest, which is just like we fest maybe a little smaller but not much. Then I will know all the words. It was definitely worth it though even though I am not a country girl. Well I just got back from We fest. For you who do not know of We Fest, it is a three day concert with all the big names in country music. 55,000 people were in attendance this year. I guess it was a new record. Everyone camps out in a giant field and pretty much gets drunk and act stupid. I fortunately got to camp with some not so stupid drunk people who think the only purpose in life is to get wasted and try to see boobs. So I had a good time. I left last Wednesday and then returned Sunday afternoon. Now lets get one thing straight I am not a fan of country. I am a rock girl through and through. I dislike country so much that when Jenn and I use to cruse around town in high school and college she automatically knew to turn off the country music and turn on some rock. So not being a country music fan I decided that I would try it and perhaps will come home like country. It didn’t happen. I watched… Taylor Swift, Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flatts, Little Big Town, Brad Paisley. Nope none of them turned me. I enjoyed my self at the concerts but not for the music, more for the conversation and people watching. One of the highlights at the fest was who I was camping with. I camped with Jim and Ashley ( who are getting married this weekend and I’m in their wedding) and their family. We had about 30 people in our camp. They all had RV’s and parked them in a giant circle so no campers could penetrate our camp. Then we all stretched out in the little field we made with our circle. We had screen tents, cooking area, tables, chairs, canopies, yard games of every proportion. It was fabulous, but the best thing of all every camper or mini group took a meal. Either breakfast or dinner. We all took turns making only one meal. Ours was the first night we made lasagna for everyone and then the rest of the long weekend we got to enjoy everyone else’s. This was no crappy cheap camping food. This was the real deal… breakfast burritos, fajitas, jambalaya, egg bakes, roast beef sandwiches, chicken stir-fry. We even made a couple of amazing Waps (I don’t know how to spell it, tons of fruit soaking in booze). It was awesome never having to worry about a meal. Best idea ever. By sat I was ready to go home. It was sunny and 85 the whole weekend. I can’t complain it was nice and never any bugs and I didn’t get a sun burn thanks to my handy cowboy hat. I had an awesome time but wouldn’t go back. Next summer I am going to rock fest, which is just like we fest maybe a little smaller but not much. Then I will know all the words. It was definitely worth it though even though I am not a country girl.



Wow, oops… Been a while. I’m sorry so so sorry.

My boyfriend is almost complete in siding his house. Yea! Then he can stop talking about his projects. Haha!
I am going to we-fest!! My best friend Miranda is coming with I’m so excited. We are meeting up with Jim and Ashley and are going to have the time of our lives listening to crappy country music (I hate country but am going for the party and friends) and drinking a few cocktails.
It was Bay Days last weekend. I had a great time with my girls. We went out to eat at the Crossings and it was fabulous. There was a whooping 14 of us. They didn’t have enough places so my boyfriend and his son ever so nicely volunteered to sit at the bar while we waiting for a table to open up. I had chicken wings like usual and they were fabulous.
Cheerleading season is about to start up. At bay days we sold almost $700 worth of sweatshirts, tee shirts, etc. It was wonderful. Money we need money!!!! I am praying this season goes well. I’m not thrilled to get up at 7 now. Practice is from 7:45 to 9 in the morning and then Jenn and I go to work. Ick!
It was my Dad’s 50th b-day party. My brother and I, ok really me, surprised my dad with a 42’ LG 1080p LCD Tv. He started crying over it. It was a real surprise. He deserved it.
Haven’t seen my brother in a while and I really miss him. Jordan and I are very close. My family is very affectionate and he has me wrapped around his finger. He wants me to come down soon and see him in Duluth…aka come down so I buy him dinner and what ever else he asks for. Oh well that is what big sisters are for. He can get whatever he wants he just asks in a nice voice and says please sissy… ergh little shit… ok he isn’t little he is 20.
George and I are going to Kennel train Butters. My heart is breaking just saying that but it needs to be done. When Butters spends the night he ends up pacing the whole night and whining. We figured out why. When his dog Jimmy is there I think Butters gets nervous and jealous so he keeps us up all night wanting attention. So we are going to train him to sleep in his kennel when he acts up. I’m such a push over with him but he needs to listen better. It is really hard.
My review is coming up at work. I’m actually excited about it. I have been taking on a lot of projects at work and they are turning out really nice. I’m very proud of them.
My bday is almost here. I don’t know why I still look forward to my bday. I mean it is on a Thursday, I don’t get presents anymore, and I am getting older (isn’t that a bad thing), but I still do get excited. I hope my ladies and I can go for cocktails. I think I am going to take the next day off because George and I are going up to International Falls for the long weekend. Hairball my favorite band!!! Is playing up there. He owns a house boat on Rainy Lake so me and my boy will be floating all weekend listening to awesome music.
How is that for a recap. What are you doing for Labor Day? Do you still look forward to your bday?

Finish the sentance....

maybe i should....get back to cleaning the house
I love the smell of....fresh cut grass
people would say that i.....think I am a big deal…people know me
i don't understand why....people just can’t get over the age difference
when i wake up in the morning....i try to think of an excuse why I can’t make it to work
i lost....my passport in Jamaica
life is full of....pink martinis!!!
my past is....following me
i get annoyed when....people draw out saying goodbye on the phone
parties are....the bomb
i wish....i could have a hobby farm with lamas, mini cows, and a bunch of Butters
dogs...are my children
tomorrow....i have to work at Lavonne’si
have low tolerance for....slutty girls with no morals
i'm totally terrified of....spiders
i wonder why i....can’t seem to save money
never in my life have i....went sky diving
high school....was wonderful
when i'm nervous....breath quick and get light headed
one time at a family gathering....i got food poisoning
take my advice....send positive energy… if you send it you receive it
making my bed....sucks.
i'm almost always....talking about my dog Butters
i'm addicted to....South Park
i want someone to....pay for my college


Ode to my Wheat Thins-

How I love my wheat thins. I eat about 2 boxes a week at work and I love every last one. Jenn and I use to eat these babies like they are going out of style when we were in college and I could never stop. How I love them.

Anyways enough randomness. This weekend was great. I had Carrie Jo’s and Joeys wedding reception to go to. It was a great time however I pooped out early. But I started early so that counts for something. My great friend Ashley was up for the reception and we headed to the crossings for beer and wings and a shocking 11 in the afternoon. Tsk tsk I know! It was delicious and wonderful baking out on the porch eating my delicious wings and drinking my blue moon beer with extra orange. Then it was so nice out we headed out to a co workers of mine house. We ended up have a few ‘more’ out there. So by the time I got back to get ready for the reception I was feeling pretty sexy I am not going to lie. I took a ‘mini’ nap and got ready for the big night. George and Kristen came over to get ready with us. Miranda and Zeke and baby Ezra came over as well to help beautify us… Mirm was already beautified so she helped me and Kristen.

The reception was great with awesome food and an open bar… Well actually I didn’t know it was an open bar. I just thought George and Mirm were being ever so nice and buying me cocktails until I went up to buy us all a round and then I found out it was free so I had some catching up to do.

We boogies and ate delicious food and laughed and had a great time. Everyone was just in a great mood and no real drama. That was nice, usually there is always something that goes down. George caught the garter. I think it was staged haha… Funny! Once again no pics but I’ll steal some off people’s facebooks. I’m a sniper of pictures for sure.


Friday the 13th, Atv’s, cowbells, mud, and hiking

A very good and interesting weekend. First off of course friday was FRIDAY the 13th…ooo. My day started off superb. I got my own printer for my office so I don’t have to keep getting up and walking to eh printer for my 8 million reports I print in a day. I have been waiting and waiting patiently for this fabulous ‘xmas present’. Then I caught up on some paperwork that has been sitting in my in box for months staring at me. Ah felt wonderful. About the same time as I finished the last of my ‘to do list’ it hit me that it was Friday the 13th. Ah! Then our tech guy came in and told me he has to send my printer back because it isn’t compatible with our banking program..bye bye fabulous Christmas present, then I got slammed with member phone calls and got backed up, and then to make matters worse one of our branches went offline so for my End of Day processes that I have to do once the bank closes was going to take twice as long. But then the sun came out and everything got better like usual. Then after work I ran home got changed and headed to George’s house to ‘meet the kids’. Seriously people I was so scared it was like a job interview. I never had to meet a guy that I’m dating kids. But as soon as I walked in their house and I saw their shining faces I knew it would be ok. We had a great night. We ate, went for a cruise, checked out the tents at the Americinn, played Nintendo WII, and watched movies. They are great.

Sat was a little more complex. I got up and went down to the ATV parade. It was a lot of fun. Jenn and I met up with this Jen and Tucker. He was so fasinated with all the noises and big ol ATV’s I love watching his expression. He was very good! Then Jenn and I headed off to work the big dinner. We worked this dinner for Bernie because he is going to make a large donation to our cheerleaders. Well I worked my tushie off. Ran and ran and ran filled food, cleared plates, washed dishes. Then after we served almost 500 people Jenn and I got changed and worked the dance. It was a lot of fun. After we were done we scooted out on the dance floor. I got up on stage like usual and played the cowbell. I’m a professional cowbell player. I played it to Mustang Sally. Yea it was sweet making an ass out of myself but I didn’t care I was having fun and that is all that matters. Then I called it a night.

Sunday was the best of the whole weekend. The kids taught me how to ride a dirt bike. I know I can't believe it either I am to work today I didn't die. It was fun and hilarious. Then we all went for a 4 wheeler ride out to twin and ended up hiking around the whole entire lake. Through bogs, swamps, rocks, and brush. I was cut up cause I had shorts on but man it was fun. Corey kept jumping out and scaring me. Little shit he got me quite a few times. He kept hiding perfectly behind trees. We got so damn muddy it was hilarious. Kristen drove me back and I swear that girl hit ever single mud puddle. I love getting muddy. It isn’t wheeling unless you get muddy. Then we all went and ate at the lemon wolf for fathers day and got ice cream well I didn’t I was so full from my delicious shirmp. Then we came back and watched a movie. I had 4 nasty ticks on me. They had none. I was not a happy camper about that. Icky I hate them they scare the crap out of my and they are so tiny. I don’t care I’m a whimp. It was the best weekend ever. I wish I had pictures :(


What A Great Weekend....

What a great weekend people great weather great fun! Sorry I forgot to post about it. First I saw the coolest thing. My dog was out side and I look out and there is a new baby fawn playing with Butters. They were snifiing each other, playing around, one time I even saw their nose touched. I didn’t get any good pics cause my good camera was out in the car and I didn’t want to scare it away but I got two with my old camera. I will try to find the cord and upload them asap. My neighbors own the local café and they got some pics as well. He is now a local celebrity cause they printed the pics and got two blown up and put them in a frame down at the café. It is super cute. My Butters the star of Silver Bay! Then I went to the green door with my best buds and man. We had a blast. I bet I took 800 shots of tequila rose. Oooo baby it was delicious. I haven’t had tequila rose for a super long time. I don’t get to go out with my beautiful lady friends very often I usually go out with my guy friends and ha like they are going to take that pink delicious medicine, so I have to have a jag bomb. I’m not complaining I love jag as well. Ok anyways. We went out had an awesome night. Full of laughter, funny stories, and great pics. Jenn has a few on her site. Only downfall was I wanted to punch a certain local guy that is creepy because he stuck his hand down my pants and tried to get my underwear. I don’t take lightly to those things, but then didn’t want to get kicked out for hitting so I just yelled at him. Here is T3 once again. I love this pic!

Ok so then Sat my man and I just hung out Sat. We took our three dogs to the beach. My little Butter monster took off towards North Shore Mining once. I wasn’t very happy. Here is a pic of my monster.

We hung out there for hours playing fetch and soaking in the sun. It was awesome. Then we went over to my best friend Huberts for a BBQ and margaritas. I was awesome I just laid out in my suit soaking in the rays. It was about 80 sat. Then at night after the BBQ we hit the door again. It was fun again of course. My friend Hal-storm chucked a glass at an annoying local and got kicked out. It was a plastic cup. But it was hilarious. I love those stories.

Sun I just chilled took naps, watched TV, went to a grad party, and went and scooped out my man’s land he owns. It was a great weekend. I live for my weekends.



I forgot to mention the best part of my blue story. After, the pharmacist suggested writing a letter just informing the company of my side effects. My mom did so just being nice and letting them know in case by chance they hear of any other stories. The company then for no reason turned around and sent us a $2500 check for my suffering as they worded it. I know crazy. That is all the letter pretty much said. So that help pay for my first year of college. My mom and I thought that maybe there was something wrong with it and that is why they just wanted to get it out of the way so i didn't come back and sue... I have never tried the nyquil again in fear it will happen again. So I just stay away far far far away.

Can you top this?

Happy Birthday to my best bud Jen!!!!

One of my good friends Carla said she read my blog. She reminded me of an incident that I shall share with you. I can bet you 500 bucks that no one has gone through this before. Have you ever turned blue from head to toe? I mean smurf or Willy Wonka blue? I have….
It turns out I am allergic to a specific type of blue dye that is only used in the generic brand Equate Nyquil. I was a senior in high school when the night before I took some of this new generic brand of Nyquil because I had a cold obviously. The next morning I got up got ready quick for school cause I was late like usual and headed off to school. Then in the middle of first period my friend Carl said you are blue! I remember say what I am not I’m happy… He was then like no get up and go to the bathroom and started laughing. I went to the bathroom and yep I was blue. Head to toe. The whites of my eyes had a tint to it, my pee, my saliva. I’m serious everything. So I rushed to the nurse’s office. She freaked out and sent me right down to the clinic. I remember the DR taking a gauze and running it down my back and it was all blue. Then horribly my whole body started to itch. People this was the most horrific feeling. Like someone covered me in itching powder. The pharmacist looked online and he said he only found 3 other cases like mine. There was nothing they could do for me. So I just had to go home and sit in the bath tub. Of course the water turned blue. Well I guess I was allergic to the dye and my body wanted to get rid of it and to do so it secreted it out all my pours. Then over the next three days it slowly faded. My feet were the last to clear up. I guess if I can never find something to wear for Halloween I can always go as a smurf or that girl who turned into a blue berry on Willy Wonka.

So tell me have any of you expereince some strange rare reaction or occurance. Im interested to hear.... How did you feel? I was scaired but mostly annoyed cause no one could tell me what was happening.

Saddest thing. No pictures just a bunch of witnesses. It was too much of a rush rush situation to take a pic and i think if someone came up to me with a camera I would have bitten their head off. :)


Jen Fun Facts

  • I have bad habit… I will swallow my gum. I have had that problem since I was little. I will chew and chew and then without noticing I will swallow it.
  • I’m deathly allergic to philbert nuts (you find them in pina coladas or sometimes margaritas) and raw apples. I can eat apples that are cooked but not raw. Don’t ask me why my throat closes up instantly. I have an epi pen for this. God bless the epi pen. Side note: Did you know that if you are allergic to apples you are also allergic to Birch trees. I did not know this, I guess it is because I don’t go around chewing on trees. But yes it is true I read it in one of my medical journals at school.
  • At one point in my life I seriously considered moving to Akumal, Mexico and working at a local hospital. Yep I know crazy.
  • I have a very pointy pinky toe. My ex use to threaten me he was going to snip the tip with a cigar cutter.
  • I have a very long tongue like Gene Simons. But mine is cute not gross like his.
  • I hate cats as I am also allergic to them. They can smell the fear in me and are attracted to me. If I walk by a cat they will charge me.
  • 3 weeks ago was my first time holding a new born baby. My moto in life is I will hold the baby as soon as it is old enough to where if I drop it I won’t kill it. Babies scare the crap out of me. One year and up is my kind of style.
  • I suffer from night terrors. I went to the doctor about them nothing they can do for little ol me. It is ok I don’t remember only when someone is sleeping in the same room and tells me in the morning I scared the crap out of them because I woke up open eyed and yelled DAMN GRASSHOPPER. Ask my friend Sara.
  • I am absolutely obsessed with my dog Butters. He is my child. You all blog about your little babies…I blog about my dog. I also am saving up to purchase an English bulldog. Jen’s brother Rastus and I want to breed them together. I will name mine either porkchop or wigeon (like pigeon but with a w) then I can call him wiggie.
  • I truly believe I should have my own reality show on the E channel.

    Ok now to show some pics. This is me and my daddy. He is my best friend. We live together and are roomies. Yes ladies this man is SINGLE. I know hard to believe.

    These are my friends Collette, Haley, and Jess. True friends are hard to find people!

    This is my nephew… well not really but my best friends Miranda’s baby. He has been through a lot three brain surgeries from an aneurism in his brain. But with lots of love and prayers he is doing great.

    And then of couse if my beautiful Triple Threat. Jen, Jenn and me! How I love them so.


The Big Summer List

1. Start my own little garden. My dad told me he would help me start a little garden in the backyard. I’m super new to it but super excited!! I’m sure the only thing I will grow is weeds but at least I am attempting.
2. I am determined to hike out to Twin Lakes at least once a week. I figured if I did that starting next week I would have hiked out to Twin 12 times this summer. My friend Lauri counted last summer and she did it over 60 times in 3 months. Crazy but it sure paid off.
3. Continue to do my Yoga class with Tina…any takers? 30 bucks for 8 weeks…ya can’t go wrong.
4. Purchase my new Toyota Tacoma Truck. They get great gas mileage for a truck. My dad’s is out of commission so once the divorce is final he is going to buy my Rav from me.
5. Have at least one slip ’n slide party with Triple Threat.
6. We-Fest
7. Canoe Trip
8. Purchase a nice durable tent and all the neat little gadgets.
9. Go fishing with my pink pole as much as humanly possible in a summer
10. Learn how to clean a fish….properly. I tried and it turned out like sushi, really thin strips. It was only a Northern no biggy they are yucky tasting anyways.
11. Actually use my scrap booking supplies.
12. Get another tattoo
13. Have the summer of my life

Summer is here people!!

Summer is finally here…well in terms of the month, not the temperature. I was just looking at my calendar for the summer and I just realized I’m practically booked every single weekend throughout the whole summer. Crazy. Here is my weekend schedule for the summer starting this weekend.

June 6 & 7- I actually get to stay in town and do whatever. I am having cocktails with my best bud Jen for her fabulous birthday. Happy Birthday Jen! Then sat is graduation but I am not sure if I will go to any… I really want to go with my friend George to Duluth and look AGAIN at my new truck I want to buy.

June 13 & 14- My cheerleaders (Jenn and I are coaches), are working the ATV convention. This year Silver Bay is hosting an ATV convention trying to break the world record for longest ATV train. I hope we get it. But, a local business owner told us if we help him work the dinner he will donate around 1000 buck-a-roos.

June 20 & 21- Nothing Friday…. But sat I have a friend who is having a wedding dance. She just got married yesterday in Vegas. Congrats Carrie Jo and Joey!

June 27 & 28- My friend Tanner is coming home and I know there will be a big event. I am also going fishing…yea!


July 4 & 5- Vermillion for Flotilla

July 11 & 12- I want to throw my dad a surprise 50th b-day party at the lounge Friday and Sat I have my friend Ashley who’s wedding I’m in bachelorette party which I am throwing.

July 18 & 19- I have my friend Jolene whose wedding I’m also in wedding… Yes I have been in 10 weddings in my life. I am the silver bay version of 27 dresses. They are fun!

July 25 & 26- Is Bay Days & Hoyt Lakes softball tourney.

Wow huh? Not over….

August 1 & 2- Camping Trip

August 7, 8, 9- We fest

August 15 & 16- Ashley & Jim’s wedding which I am in

August 22 & 23- My bday weekend.

I’m gonna need a vacation to just relax from this crazy summer! We are only young once….



I am the worst blogger in the world. Start then quit... but not this time! Oh no, I am going in full force or else Jen may track me down. My two best friends Jenn and Jen both have blogs and I want to be cool like them. I will also warn you I steal ideas. I'm sorry I am not creative so if I see something I'll steal it...like... how Jenn introduced herself so here I go...

My name is Jen and I live in "The bay".
24 years old (well 23 and 10 months)
August 28th is my fabulous birthday. I feel it should be a holiday in Silver Bay... I like to make the month of August my birthday...
  • hiss hiss... i guess i can be a snaky individual when i cocktail. At least that is what certain people say.
  • I have a pink scooter and a pink fishing rod.
  • I think I should have my own reality show.
  • I’m going to write a book like Jack handy of all the random crap that spews out of my mouth.
  • I have a secret talent and if I told you then it wouldn’t be a secret.
  • I love saying fabulous, and awesome possom
  • I make a mean cheeseball
  • I'm kind of a big deal....people know me is my moto in life. I stole that from Anchor Man.

I love talking, talking about Butters, TOOL, my family, my dogs, my friends, triple threat, parties, beer pong, a nice cold beer on a hot summer day, sitting on the shore of Lake Superior with friends or no, school, myspace, facebook, did I say beer how about pink martinis, making up new drinks with Kay, trying to open doors with Jolene, traveling with my girlfriends, remembering high school memories, sitting at the lounge, speeding, laughing, making people laugh, thinking that I am soooo funny when I am not , fishing, planning sweet ass bachelorette parities, playin nintendo, casinos, pull tabs, and eating food that is bad for you. I hate SPIDERS, scary basements with spiders in them, broken hearts, negative people, complainers, players, old people driving (i think this one is the worst), red and yellow street lights, construction zones, checkbooks that do not balance, 8 times 7, and 8 times 6, city drivers, oil changes, bad directions, and icy steps.

I treasure my friends and family more than anything. My girls have helped me through a lot in my life and I love them both more then words can express. Now it is time to get back to work. I work at the Credit Union and an accountant. Who ever said accountants are boring must have never met me :)