
High School

This last weekend I went to my best friends wedding. Don and I have been best friends since 7th grade. We still remember our 3 minute secret hand shake we have had since then. It was a tough wedding realizing he is off to start his life. We were homecoming prince and princess in 10th grade and homecoming king and queen our senior year. We went to sno-frolic together and prom. Always had the best of times and still kept in touch as we moved out into the big bad adult world. While at the wedding I kept thinking of great high school memories that I will cherish forever. So, I thought I should share some with you…

Jenn and I have a lot of good ones together… like the time we were cruising around in my car and were laughing so hard I almost smashed into the side of Mobil. Or the time it was slippery out and I smashed into Kyle’s car. How about the time when I got suspended with my friend Carl for saying Blow Job in front of 8th graders, or the time we thought we were bad and smoked parsley, or the time I thought I was a bad ass and stole a cup from Holiday and the felt so guilty I returned it the next day, I swear I got kicked out in the hall like every day from Dettmann’s class for being a smart ass. Oh how I miss the drama and crushes and no worries about bills or work, I remember I use to be able to party till 1 in the morning and get up at 6 for work. Wow I feel quite old now. There is no way I could do that anymore. I remember smoke cruises everyday at lunch and stopping at Holiday and getting a chicken and swiss every single day. I remember getting my heart broken for the first time and how nice my shop teacher was and let me go home for the day. I remember laughing so hard that Mrs. Yoki threatened to kick Earl, Bob and I out of accounting. It was because of her I went to school for what I did. One time we had a hypnotist come to the school and I was chosen. I faked the whole thing in front of the whole school. It was hilarious. I think to this day some people still believe it was real. Or the time Tanner borrowed wait stole.... my linkin park cd. I never saw it again. Don and I would bring out fold out lawn chairs and store then in a locker so every morning while kids sat on the ground waiting for school to start we had nice comfy chairs. I remember sleeping through both of my after proms. I remember making ‘make out’ trips to the slab with my boyfriend. I remember coming home bawling because I had no boobs and someone called me anorexic. I remember our sweet sleep overs at Stephs house and raiding her parents booze and filling them back up with water. I think her parents still don’t know. I remember when I got caught by my dad drinking for the first time. He didn’t ground me, he took my contacts away from me and made me wear my nasty bi focal thick glasses. It was the worst punishment ever.

Enough I remembers for ya? What do you remember best about high school?


Annie said...

haha jen - lol at your spider post...i am exactly the same!! and, i totally remember smoke cruises at lunch. i also remember penis men, and ali and carl drawning them all over everything at DQ, and then having to spend a weekend cleaning it off. i remember when andrew, tony's and brian's friend troy from college called carl's house pretending to be the cops, and he pretty much never forgave us for that. i remember you and carl swing dancing all over the place all the time and doing friken awesome, oh- and the little brown jug. i remember rachel hating the song du hast, and it blaring whenever we were at janine's all the time. i remember mystery parties at janines house too. oh i am sure theres more. haha, what a good post!

Anonymous said...

I was one of those 8th graders that you said blow job infront of the class to LOL god i didn't even know what it was u bia! ;)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have said why you almost ran into the side of the gas staition.....