
The Big Summer List

1. Start my own little garden. My dad told me he would help me start a little garden in the backyard. I’m super new to it but super excited!! I’m sure the only thing I will grow is weeds but at least I am attempting.
2. I am determined to hike out to Twin Lakes at least once a week. I figured if I did that starting next week I would have hiked out to Twin 12 times this summer. My friend Lauri counted last summer and she did it over 60 times in 3 months. Crazy but it sure paid off.
3. Continue to do my Yoga class with Tina…any takers? 30 bucks for 8 weeks…ya can’t go wrong.
4. Purchase my new Toyota Tacoma Truck. They get great gas mileage for a truck. My dad’s is out of commission so once the divorce is final he is going to buy my Rav from me.
5. Have at least one slip ’n slide party with Triple Threat.
6. We-Fest
7. Canoe Trip
8. Purchase a nice durable tent and all the neat little gadgets.
9. Go fishing with my pink pole as much as humanly possible in a summer
10. Learn how to clean a fish….properly. I tried and it turned out like sushi, really thin strips. It was only a Northern no biggy they are yucky tasting anyways.
11. Actually use my scrap booking supplies.
12. Get another tattoo
13. Have the summer of my life

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