
It happened again....and a random thought

Alright that is it…. I am convinced that spiders are plotting together to get me. seriously listen to this incident today at work. No one ever sees spiders in their offices… oh yea except me. So I was tying away on my adding machine like a crazy woman and the poof here come this black deadly spider trickling down its web from my filing cabinet which hangs above my adding machine. Yes I freaked and you would to. So I murdered it quickly with my note pad (which I will no long use cause of the bloody mess on the back of it). Then no lie I went over to water my plant that sits on the ground in my office. As I am singing and watering away I notice movement from the bottom on the pot.. Yes people there is was ANOTHER deadly evil disgusting black spider. This time I screamed I couldn’t help it. I stomped like I was in river dance and thankfully got it. Why are things I hate attracted to me. I also hate cats. I’m sorry cat lovers I do not like them one bit. I have only met one cat that I liked and that was because he acted like a dog. I am extremely allergic and just don’t like the claws and creepy stretching and snooty ness… So in other words if there is a cat within 10 miles they will want to come see me or sit on my lap or rub on my leg. Ew!

Fall is here and I don’t like it. I only like summer. I truly believe I belong on an island out in the Caribbean…preferably alone.. Wait no I need my dog then I will be happy as long as I have my man Butters, a cell phone so I can text, and my coach purses so I can stare at them and how beautiful they are. oh wait I also want my new car cause I love that as well.


Mel said...

I hate spiders too Jen...but I'm not sure that they're AS attracted to me as they are to you! And, I hate winter:(

Unknown said...

Good good good......