
Packing List!

Alright call me a nerd, call me crazy… but I’m going to Mexico in 55 days! Yes I know a long way out there right. But I always think how quick everything flys by especially with Christmas coming up and thanksgiving… Ok I admit it I already started a packing list. With money flying out the door I always need to organize and prioritize items that I will need for my trip so I can save for them…hense a suitcase. I don’t have one… always borrowed but now I want to buy one!

Anyways how do you do your packing list? Or do you even do one? Mine is crafty, organized, and freaking long. First I type everything down in a list just off the top of my head. Then a few days later I go back in to it and add to it of course. I also then split them into categories… yes people I know I don’t have a life but let me tell you if you were lost in the wood you would want me by your side I never forget anything and I don’t overpack. On vacations I always just bring a carry on. I manage to stuff everything under the sun in a large purse and a carry on. I hate luggage checks and once they lost our luggage to Jamaica, luckily they found it but that was just luck! After I separate them into clothes, bathroom, etc etc categories I make another list for ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT ITEMS… like passports, wallet, checkbook, etc. If I don’t have it written down I will forget guaranteed. I always check this as the days pass like remembering things such as a carmea charger, ipod for the plane, gum for the plane cause my ears hurt so bad, gameboy for the plane, ok I have ADD on a plane I hate flying and can’t sit still. I also always remember things like travel detergent, incase I spill, perfume, toilet paper (hey you never know when you gotta go) shampoo, block, asprin, tan lotion…. Ok you get the picture. I also always double check my purse for things you can’t have on a plane, mascara, etc otherwise it is bye bye 8 dollar mascara. I hate to throw out a new tube of lipstick, mascara, and eye solution cause it was in my purse and I didn’t check them. We were running late so it was so long $20+ of fabulous makeup. I was pissed. You will have to look at my fabulous list when it is complete. I swear you all will never look at me the same. It is ridiculous, but I never forget a thing and I am proud of that!


Anonymous said...

Not so much nerd as signs of OCD... just kidding, I have list for everything as well as you know. I think its something that I have inherited from my mom, but unlike you I ALWAYS overpack. I am the overpacking queen, I always am think what if....so I guess you can pass that OCD comment right on to me! :)

gram said...

i travel all the time with work and vacations and still am not that organized, you should be proud of yourself girl!!! hope you have a great time when you go to mexico!!!