
Packing List!

Alright call me a nerd, call me crazy… but I’m going to Mexico in 55 days! Yes I know a long way out there right. But I always think how quick everything flys by especially with Christmas coming up and thanksgiving… Ok I admit it I already started a packing list. With money flying out the door I always need to organize and prioritize items that I will need for my trip so I can save for them…hense a suitcase. I don’t have one… always borrowed but now I want to buy one!

Anyways how do you do your packing list? Or do you even do one? Mine is crafty, organized, and freaking long. First I type everything down in a list just off the top of my head. Then a few days later I go back in to it and add to it of course. I also then split them into categories… yes people I know I don’t have a life but let me tell you if you were lost in the wood you would want me by your side I never forget anything and I don’t overpack. On vacations I always just bring a carry on. I manage to stuff everything under the sun in a large purse and a carry on. I hate luggage checks and once they lost our luggage to Jamaica, luckily they found it but that was just luck! After I separate them into clothes, bathroom, etc etc categories I make another list for ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT ITEMS… like passports, wallet, checkbook, etc. If I don’t have it written down I will forget guaranteed. I always check this as the days pass like remembering things such as a carmea charger, ipod for the plane, gum for the plane cause my ears hurt so bad, gameboy for the plane, ok I have ADD on a plane I hate flying and can’t sit still. I also always remember things like travel detergent, incase I spill, perfume, toilet paper (hey you never know when you gotta go) shampoo, block, asprin, tan lotion…. Ok you get the picture. I also always double check my purse for things you can’t have on a plane, mascara, etc otherwise it is bye bye 8 dollar mascara. I hate to throw out a new tube of lipstick, mascara, and eye solution cause it was in my purse and I didn’t check them. We were running late so it was so long $20+ of fabulous makeup. I was pissed. You will have to look at my fabulous list when it is complete. I swear you all will never look at me the same. It is ridiculous, but I never forget a thing and I am proud of that!


Riddle me this....

How come everytime i have to take a drivers license picture or a passport picture it turns out awful. I'm not extrememly photogenic, but i mean there are an occasional few nice pics that come out of the mix, but of course it is never one that everyone on the planet will see. From cute single bartenders to cute single cops to cute single... well you get the picture.

So today i went and refiled for a new passport. I went to Jamaica about 2 years ago and somewhere between customs in North Carolina and Minneapolis coming home i lost it. I have looked literaly for 2 years for it, in every nook and cranny but no sign of the poor lost passport. I only used it twice. Once to Mexico in 2006 and once to Jamaica in 2007. So anyways, i have no idea where it went and never got a new one cause i never thought of going on vacation again. Well January 8-15 the Kofstads and I are heading to fabulous Playa Del Carmen mexico to stay in a 5 star luxuary all inclusive resort called the Rui Palace. It is the best Rui you can stay at. They have 5 resorts next to each other and since we are staying at the best we can go to all of them and eat at all the places and go dancing at all the clubs. Yes i am very excited. Mike and Kay and one of my very bestest friends.

Anyways so i fill out the 100 pages of information for my lost and new passport. I get all beautified cause i knew i was going to get my picture taken at the post office. I sit in the chair, adjust my hair like so, apply a little lipstick and then bam it is over. I am not smiling i look like i am going to kill someone, my cheeks are bright bright red. And the camera automatically prints it out so i can't retake. I was so sad. Why God can't i just have a nice picture. Can't i like cut out a picture of me at prom or something and use that as the picture. Or even better a picture of me and butters. Butters will rope in the single guys! He is so cute how can he not. Maybe i will just purposly loose this passport so i can retake. ok maybe not! Thanks for listening... or reading... or whatever!


Thanksgiving Divorce

I just had to share this.

A man in Phoenix calls his son in New York two days before Thanksgiving and says,'I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough. 'Pop, what are you talking about?' the son screams. We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,' the father says. 'We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her.' Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. 'Like heck they're getting divorced,' she shouts, 'I'll take care of this,' She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at her father, 'You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?'and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. 'Okay,' he says, 'they're coming for Thanksgiving and paying their own way.'


How come there are someday when time just flies and other where you feel someone is tearing your toemail off with a tweezer? It is finally my lunch hour… today is going so slow at work and I am so extremely busy. Usually when I am busy (which is all the time) I look up and boom it is lunch. Not today.

My dad yesterday just pointed out something that I do quite often and now I notice I do it all the time. I talk to the TV. Let me explain…I watch as the world turns on CBS. I just started a year ago because my lunch hour is from 1-2 and that is when it is on. I am addicted… addicted people. I can’t wait to get home and flip that baby on and watch the drama unfold. My dad ever so politely pointed out one day that I was screaming at the TV because Katie was about to get caught snooping in Spencers stuff. Ok understandable. Then he pointed out that I literally talk to the TV. Like conversation… “Why are you going in the Katie, I know that she is going to come it”, “You are so stupid Jack, you need to kick that B**** out the room”. It doesn’t matter what I watch I start talking to it out loud. I think I think I am talking in my head but I don’t. I do it at every show I watch and even movies. Now that someone has finally pointed it out to me I notice it 24-7. It is so weird. One time my friend pointed out to me that I used fabulous in almost every sentence. Then I realized magically that I do. I wonder how many other habits I have and people haven’t told me. If you see one tell me. It is so weird.